Poster presented at the Partners in Prevention 2015 Health & Safety Conference and Trade Show on April 28-29, 2015. The poster describes the Sun Safety at Work Canada project, including the project design, conceptual and theoretical frameworks, and heat and sun safety intervention strategy.
The objective of the Sun Safety at Work Canada project is to develop nationally-applicable heat and sun safety processes and resources for workplaces to help them implement programs for outdoor workers.
Do M, Ramkissoon A, Berriault C, Villeneuve P, Demers P. Abstract from the 27th Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH) conference….
Demers PA, Berriault C, Ramkissoon A, Do MT, Lightfoot N, Zeng X, Arrandale VH. Occupational & Environmental Medicine 2019;76(Suppl 1):A1–A109….
Watch Dr. Paul Demers deliver the Institute for Work & Health’s 2018 Alf Nachemson Memorial Lecture.