OCRC Report: Preventing the Burden of Occupational Cancer in Canada: Stakeholder Meeting Summary

On November 5, 2015, OCRC hosted a stakeholder meeting that focused on preliminary findings from the Burden of Occupational Cancer in Canada study. The meeting provided an overview of the study’s early results on asbestos, radon, and diesel engine exhaust, and discussed how these results can be used in prevention initiatives.

The report summarizes some of the early findings and highlights major themes that arose from the discussions at the meeting.

Conference Materials


Session I: Preventing Occupational Cancer | Lesley Rushton

Prioritising effort in preventing occupational cancers: The British Experience

Session II A: Asbestos | Donna Pasiechnik

The Saskatchewan asbestos registry

Session II B: Asbestos | Alec Farquhar

Banning asbestos in Canada

Session III B: Diesel Engine Exhaust | Vic Pakalnis

Diesel emissions in underground mining

Session IV: Radon | Natalia Mozayani

Radon exposure prevention initiatives

Session V: Future Priorities and Challenges for Prevention | Lesley Rushton

Future challenges and priorities for prevention