
Videos and interviews

Video: Occupational Patterns in Opioid-Related Harms Among Ontario Workers

Dr. Victoria Arrandale discusses the challenges and hazards of dealing with e-waste.

Preventing occupational disease: Moving the agenda forward

Watch Dr. Paul Demers deliver the Institute for Work & Health’s 2018 Alf Nachemson Memorial Lecture. 

Video: Scientist Victoria Arrandale discusses e-waste in the The Agenda with Steve Paikin program

Dr. Victoria Arrandale discusses the challenges and hazards of dealing with e-waste.

Video: Dr. Paul Demers discusses Construction Carcinogens in the The Agenda with Steve Paikin program

Dr. Paul Demers discusses exposure to carcinogens such as diesel, asbestos, silica dust, wood dust, and solar radiation in the construction industry.

Video: IARC and the classification of carcinogens

In February 2012 the Occupational Cancer Research Centre hosted a workshop on the classification of carcinogens. The workshop described how…

Video: Dr. Robert Whiting, Dr. Karen Albertsen and Dr. Diane Boivin discuss interventions to mitigate the health effects of shiftwork

From the OCRC and the Institute for Work & Health’s shiftwork interventions symposium, 2012.

Video: Dr. Paul Demers discusses shiftwork as a probable human carcinogen

Dr. Paul Demers was interviewed by Canadian HR Reporter TV on the link between shiftwork and cancer. To read more…

Video: Dr. Paul Demers discusses occupational cancer

Dr. Paul Demers was interviewed by Canadian HR Reporter TV about current research in the field of occupational cancer. He…

Video: Paul Demers discusses occupational cancer and the role of the OCRC

On October 18, 2011, Dr. Paul Demers presented at the Research Exchange Series at the Centre for Health & Safety…

Video: Dr. Demers discusses occupational cancer and OCRC’s research program

As part of the Centre for Health & Safety Innovation’s 2012 Research Exchange Series, Dr. Paul Demers discussed the history…