Research projects

OCRC Research Program

Our research includes studies in three main areas:

  • Surveillance – Develop large data platforms to identify groups of workers with the highest risks of occupational exposure and disease
  • Exposure – Develop new tools to assess exposure, and conduct field studies to identify and measure workplace exposure
  • Epidemiology – Identify and better understand the causes of workplace disease, and predict the impact of exposure or prevention efforts
(12) Active Projects
  • COVID-19 Surveillance of Ontario Workers: Testing, infection, and health outcomes

  • Opioid-related harms among Ontario workers

  • Exposure to common chemicals and cancer risk among Canadian adults

(34) Completed Projects
  • McIntyre Powder Study

  • Mesothelioma: Epidemiology and Prognosis

  • Applications of the Ontario Toxics Reduction Act for exposure surveillance


Browse Projects by Area of Focus

The Occupational Disease Surveillance System (ODSS)

The ODSS links health databases with job information in order to identify and monitor disease risks among Ontario workers.

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Occupational Cancer Burden

Occupational cancer burden studies estimate the human impact and economic cost of work-related cancers.

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