Our research includes studies in three main areas:
Now recruiting emergency workers (paramedics and firefighters) – please email rachel.tyli@ontariohealth.ca if interested!
Validation of respirator fit testing for emergency workers during simulated life support tasks – project summary
Assessing new methods for measuring occupational exposure to flame retardants
McIntyre Powder Study
Mesothelioma: Epidemiology and Prognosis
Applications of the Ontario Toxics Reduction Act for exposure surveillance
This study is investigating respiratory fit between two protocols: i) the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standard fit testing protocol and ii) a simulated work fit testing protocol using a set of paramedic tasks.
The ODSS links health databases with job information in order to identify and monitor disease risks among Ontario workers.
Occupational cancer burden studies estimate the human impact and economic cost of work-related cancers.