A project advisory committee (PAC) is formed to bring together a group of individuals, with unique knowledge and skills, to provide advice and guidance for the research study. This will include reviewing study documents and protocols, recruitment and knowledge translation strategies, and materials developed to disseminate the results to stakeholders.
The PAC consists of fourteen members representing different stakeholder groups. This includes representatives from the working group (worker, service, union) and representatives from healthy and safety community with specialties in occupational medicine, respiratory protection, occupational hygiene, and healthcare. The members include:
Virtual committee meetings will be held during the study.
MEETING 1 (March 2nd, 2022): The study questionnaire, alternative recruitment strategies, simulated fit testing tasks and study methodology were reviewed and discussed.
MEETING 2 (Nov 28th 2022): Reviewed preliminary findings, discuss challenges that occurred during first year of testing, and discuss potential knowledge translation products.
MEETING 3 (Nov 16th 2023): Purpose is to give project updates, review ongoing study challenges and discuss new recommendations on recruiting more participants.
MEETING 4 (TBD): Purpose is to review study conclusions and recommendations. Review knowledge translation products and dissemination plan.