This study investigated occupational exposure to wood dust and the rate of sinonasal cancers in Ontario and Canada.
This study evaluated the associations between polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) exposure and the risk of breast cancer in young women.
The goal of this project was to identify occupations, industries, or exposures that lead to an increased risk of cancer, by using a database containing information from the 1991 long-form census linked to Canadian Cancer Registry data.
The goal of this project was to develop a new system to monitor risks of cancer in Ontario workplaces. It is the precursor to the Occupational Disease Surveillance System.
This study estimated the number of cancers occurring yearly in Canada due to workplace exposure to carcinogens, and the economic costs of these cancers.
This study looked at trends in occupational cancer research, such as the inclusion and analysis of women and minorities, over the past two decades.