The goal of this study was to determine whether it is feasible within a clinical setting to ask workers about their current occupational exposures and risks in order to provide a means to identify people potentially exposed to hazardous substances or dangerous situations in the workplace.
The objective of the North American Pooled Project is to assess the effects of exposure to specific pesticides and other agricultural factors in association with different cancer types.
This study examines patterns and trends of accepted workplace fatality claims in Ontario compared with Canada as a whole, with a specific emphasis on occupational cancer.
Identifying opportunities for Ontario to improve its occupational exposure limits for carcinogens.
The goal of this project was to identify priority workplace carcinogens and analyze exposure to these substances in Ontario, based on the Ministry of Labour’s MESU dataset.
The goal of this project was to examine associations between multiple occupational exposures and smoking within a Toronto-based study, and to contribute data to the international SYNERGY study.