Completed Projects

McIntyre Powder Study

This study examined the risk of neurological disease among Ontario miners who were exposed to McIntyre Powder.

Mesothelioma: Epidemiology and Prognosis

This project examined changing patterns and trends in mesothelioma incidence in Canada, as well as determinants of survival in Ontario and BC.

Applications of the Ontario Toxics Reduction Act for exposure surveillance

This project explored ways that TRA data could be used for exposure surveillance to assess potential exposures of concern in Ontario industries.

Regional and sector-specific patterns of occupational and environmental exposures (TRA)

This was a pilot project whose goal was to assess the feasibility of creating regional occupational and environmental health profiles for Ontario.

Using the Ontario Toxics Reduction Act for targeted cancer-specific prevention strategies (TRA)

This study used data from Ontario’s Toxics Reduction Act to assess trends in industrial carcinogen use and release.

Leveraging environmental reporting databases to assess occupational and environmental exposures

This project aimed to evaluate the performance of the Ontario Toxics Reduction Act (TRA) and to explore the feasibility of using data from the TRA and NPRI databases as a surveillance tool for occupational and environmental exposures.

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