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Outdoor workers have 3 times greater risk of skin cancer
Outdoor workers have 3 times greater risk of skin cancer

Approximately 1.5 million Canadians are exposed to sun at work and according to the Canadian Dermatology Association, as many as…

Researchers raise concerns for worker health in Ontario’s e-waste sector
Researchers raise concerns for worker health in Ontario’s e-waste sector

Flame retardants are added to a wide range of products, including electronics and home furnishings, to meet fire safety standards….

Canada introduces new asbestos rules
Canada introduces new asbestos rules

Canada is proposing to prohibit the use, sale, import, and export of asbestos and asbestos-containing products.

Leading cause of work-related deaths? Occupational cancer
Leading cause of work-related deaths? Occupational cancer

OHS Insider – September 5, 2013 It’s easy to assume that the leading cause of work-related deaths must be something…

Landmark study on bike safety by OCRC affiliated researcher, Prof. Anne Harris
Landmark study on bike safety by OCRC affiliated researcher, Prof. Anne Harris

Dr. Anne Harris, Assistant Professor at the School of Occupational and Public Health at Ryerson University, recently published a study…

OCRC receives funding from the Canadian Cancer Society to study the burden of occupational cancer
OCRC receives funding from the Canadian Cancer Society to study the burden of occupational cancer

The Occupational Cancer Research Centre will lead a Canada-wide study investigating the human and economic impact of workplace exposure to…

Asbestos products still being imported to Ontario
Asbestos products still being imported to Ontario

Marco Chown Oved Toronto Star – Monday September 24, 2012   Despite recent announcements in Ottawa and Quebec that suggest…

Study examines breast cancer link to flame retardants
Study examines breast cancer link to flame retardants

Andrew Vowles atGuelph – Thursday April 26, 2012 Probing links between breast cancer and a group of pollutants is the…

CBC News highlights the risks of occupational cancer
CBC News highlights the risks of occupational cancer

CBC News has published a series of articles on occupational cancer. These articles discuss the risks of exposure to workplace…