Burden Study

Millions of Canadians are exposed to carcinogens at work

Occupational cancer burden studies estimate the human impact and economic cost of work-related cancers.

Burden estimates help raise awareness, highlight priority areas for prevention, and direct attention to industries, occupations, and exposures where the greatest impact can be achieved.

Discover the Impact of Occupational Cancer on Canadians

Current Human Burden

The number and proportion of current cancers caused by exposure to workplace carcinogens in Canada.

Current Economic Burden

The economic cost of occupational cancer in Canada.

Future Burden

The number of future cancers due to key exposures in the Ontario construction industry, and associated costs.

Key Exposures

Fact Sheets

Our fact sheet package combines all fact sheets for key exposures. These sheets describe major facts and figures about each key exposure.


Our reports describe and quantify occupational exposure and burden estimates by industry, in the province of Ontario, and in Canada.  Click each report to learn more about challenges and barriers in prevention, policy recommendations, and next steps.

About the Studies

Learn more about the Burden studies, research team, and funders.

Learn More