Area of focus


Firefighters are at increased risk of cancer and other diseases. They may be exposed to several hazards, including fire smoke, flame retardants, diesel engine exhaust, and shiftwork.

(3) Active Projects
  • Recruitment of emergency workers (paramedics and firefighters) for Respirator Fit Test study complete!

  • Validation of respirator fit testing for emergency workers during simulated life support tasks – project summary

  • Assessing new methods for measuring occupational exposure to flame retardants

(2) Completed Projects
  • Investigating the Occupational Etiology of Prostate Cancer in Canadian Workers

  • Diesel exhaust exposure in Ontario fire halls


Recruitment of emergency workers (paramedics and firefighters) for Respirator Fit Test study complete!


Recruitment is now complete. Thank you to all those who participated! Thank you to all firefighter and paramedic unions and services, who have supported this project. We have collected a total of 206 participants across Ontario!

If you participated in the study or have questions for the research team, please email

Thank you to the paramedic services who have hosted our study:

Cochrane District Emergency Medical Services
Cornwall SDG Paramedic Services
Frontenac Paramedic Services
Greater Sudbury Paramedic Services
Halton Paramedic Services
Lennox and Addington County Paramedic Services
Ottawa Paramedic Services
Simcoe County Paramedic Services
Timiskaming Shores Emergency Medical Services

Thank you to the fire services who have hosted our study:

Borden Fire Department
Brantford Fire Services
Cobourg Fire Department
Duoro Dummer Fire Services
Greater Sudbury Fire Services
Guelph-Eramosa Fire Services
Ottawa Fire Services
Timmins – Northern College