COVID-19 Surveillance of Ontario Workers: Testing, infection, and health outcomes
Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, and Non-Malignant Respiratory Disease in Sudbury Nickel Refinery and Electrowinning Workers
COVID-19 Occupational Risks, Seroprevalence and Immunity among Paramedics in Canada (CORSIP)
Mesothelioma: Epidemiology and Prognosis
Using the Ontario Toxics Reduction Act for targeted cancer-specific prevention strategies (TRA)
Occupational Cancer and Asbestosis among Asbestos-Exposed Workers in Ontario
The COVID-19 pandemic had a profound impact on workers and posed challenges for workplace health and safety. Understanding the types of work settings in which COVID-19 transmission occurred most frequently, and the occupations and industries that were most affected, can help inform prevention policies and practices.